Tuesday 28 August 2012

Coming Up: Lost/Faith/Art at The Harrison Pub, Kings Cross

Location: The Harrison Pub, Kings Cross, London

Dates: 19th - 21st September

This September Absent Theatre presents the second production of Lost/Faith/Art - an installation endurance performance featuring the writing of Eleanor Rodda and staging rehearsal (led by director Amy Gunn) as performance.

This time, three pairs will explore the text, a different pairing each night. You are welcome to join us for as long as you wish, spending time in the basement rehearsal space or surfacing for refreshment at the bar of our host venue, The Harrison Pub,

Admission for the whole night is £3, tickets can be bought on the door - details of advance bookings to follow.

Contact Absent Theatre

e-mail: absent.theatrecompany@ymail.com

twitter: @AbsentTheatre

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